Thursday, March 3, 2011


all those little pieces of left-over fabrics & papers get tossed into a basket...some make it into the bird nesting balls and others just sit there waiting patiently for their upcycling purpose. i keep looking at them, seeing their beauty and promising them i will use them. yup, i speak to my 'materials'! and shhhhhhh, sometimes they speak back!

this bookmark was dreamed up on an afternoon when i was upstairs 'piddling' in my sewing room! the tassel is made from t-shirts made into 'yarn'. they are purposeful, beautiful, unique and certainly one of a kind!
they will make their 'de-bout' showing at prarieland herbs sample sunday on march 13th. you really should make the journey to woodward, iowa for this event! truly wonderful! you will not regret it!

1 comment:

  1. Love. Them.

    Those are so beautiful!!! Your creativity amazes me.
