blogger...i've missed you! been busy around the farm and honestly have not been inside much!

amanda and i tried our hands at wild violet jelly! beautiful, sweet, delicious and a great mother/daughter project ta-boot! we cannot wait to try it out on our morning toast! the recipe can be found on my friend maggie howe's 'prairieland herb' to the right! this week we will be trying the dandelion jelly also! finally a good use for those little guys!
the chickens are officially in the coop! after much decision and talking with friends we decided it was time. and the girls are so much happier....and that makes me happier! they are growing and changing into their adolecent stage ~ gauky!
we also welcomed a new baby onto the farm. a red-white face calf! named him 'ralphie'. i had a red-white calf as a young girl...i loved ralph so much. i'll never forget the day we had to sell him. but in my heart he still lives in a beautiful green pasture with his bib-overall'ed master! so ralphie jr. holds a special spot in my heart. and at 40 'somethin' i will probably cry the day we sell him too! isn't it crazy how we attach ourselves to animals...even those birds of mine that live in 'hen haven' are wonderful to me.
i have 2 shows to prepare for this coming weekend. perhaps i will see you at the living room coffeehouse on saturday the 24th or prairieland herbs on sunday the 25th? i'm praying for rain to keep me indoors to sew at the machine! we'll see....