mom and dad recently visited a fantastic fabric store in way northeren minnesota. this shop specializes in custom pieces and has beautiful heavier weight fabrics which is what i really love! well, when mom ventured down to the basement she discovered that they sell 'scrap bags'. all the pieces left over from custom drapes, comforters, slip-covers, etc! pieces that the normal establishment would sadly throw out! they shove as much as they can into see-through huge garbage bags. needless to say - my parents came home with 14 bags!!! plus 2 huge bags full of way discounted remenents! i was so tickled.
so now i am in the process of going through some of these bags...hence the need for the big beautiful wardrobe! which in our bedroom just held photos that collected way too much dust! :)
there are little pieces, big pieces, pieces in strange shapes and some small enough for my bird nesting balls. it is a prize poccession for recycks! still, recycled materials...saved from the land fill! can't wait to start sewing
------> remember i said i now have 14 bags!!!! **WOW**
thanks mom and rock!